The Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak is something new. It is a respiratory disease that has been first detected by China and now has been slowly spreading internationally including the United States. The abbreviation for the Coronavirus is COVID-19. This is like a very bad flu. 

The International Health Regulations Emergency of the World Health Organization declared the outbreak on January 30th, 2020.

It is subsequently said that this is a person to person spread and air born and started in Wuhan, China.

The Severity of the Virus:
We still do not really know as yet how serious this is. Cases that have been reported are mild to severe and even death. It is said that the older people, the unhealthy, the sick, the frail,  and those with a low immune system is the ones to get infected first. Or worst, you could be a carrier without even knowing it.

This is know as an global outbreak. This happens when their is a new virus and it spreads from person to person or is airborne. And no vaccine as yet, plus spreading worldwide.

Fever. After 2 – 7 days a dry cough. Body aches. Difficulty breathing. Sore throat, headache, shortness of breathe, kidney failure, Diarrhea and chest pain. 

Wash your hands all the time. Practice proper hygiene. Don’t touch your face.  Use hand sanitize when necessary.  Don’t travel aboard. Meditate. Drink lots of water. If you have traveled aboard to quarantine for at least 14 days. Stay away from large crowds. Sneeze into your elbow. Avoid shaking hands. Avoid visiting hospitals. Try to avoid public restrooms. Boost your immune systems.  Look after your family. Protect your mental health. Write in your gratitude diary or journal. Listen to uplifting music. 

I decided to go to the store and get a couple of goodies for my bi-weekly grocery shopping spree. Upon arriving at the store, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Empty refrigerators and shelves. People were stocking up on milk, eggs, frozen vegetables, can goods, chicken, cereal, basically dry goods, bread, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, paper towels etc…

It seems like the end of the world. People going into a frenzy.  I was told by one employee at Costco that they had two pallets of toilet paper and within less than an hour everything was gone, limiting people to one per family plus one woman got aggressive when told she could only take one bag for her family. She actually hit one of the employees with her cart. They were limiting one bag per paper towels, disinfectant wipes and baby wipes. They already ran out of hand sanitizer. 

Categories: Health


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