Many children are not getting the nutrition they need to sustain them. They are not getting a intake of enough fruit and veggies. Most children do not want to eat greens or dislike the taste. This is a big problem in our country. This might be that they are just fussy eaters or maybe they were never given any greens to try. I have seen many parents say that it is okay not to feed your kids any greens. and in fact one parent I know, kid only eats McDonald’s. This is worrisome. Parents need to realize that their are better options than feeding their children junk food. If your children is fuzzy eaters, loathe greens or just refuse to try greens, then slowly introduce them to juicing. This way you will be able to make sure your children is getting the good nutrition their body needs in order to grow.

I have found the perfect product which is made from 100% organic green powder.  The taste has been perfected so that it is easily drinkable by children  Your child will get all the greens their body needs to thrive.

My son has been drinking this green juice everyday for breakfast before school and loves it.  I add a banana to the green powder with a cup of almond milk, and blend it into a smoothie. Rich and creamy.

My son has told me that he has an enormous amount of energy and is more focus. So why wouldn’t I give this to him each morning. It is quick and easy and helps him avoid eating all this sugary cereals.
Even some of the healthy cereals are not that great for your children as so many not so good other ingredient are added.


Categories: BlogHealth


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