The question is how does one get free legitimate products. 

I have always asked myself this question and started doing some research.  Well, it is not what one would think. Just filling out a form and boom, you’ll get the free products in the mail. The whole idea seems fun and could be fun, however, some work is involved.

1. You have to sign up to various sites with an email address. You might want to get a separate email for signing up for free products or to test products. 

2. Taking many surveys which could be extremely time consuming. 

3. Gaining products which turns into free products.

4. Paying for the product or products first and then getting a rebate. Most times you will get extra pay on top of the rebate. When first starting off you might only get between $5 – $25 extra, plus what ever you paid for the product. 

5. Some companies will either give you samples or full size samples or a mix. 

6. Other companies give you a “Get one free item” coupon. And you might even get an extra coupon with a “Buy One Get One Free”. So two coupons altogether. I normally use up both coupons.  

No matter how you get to receive the product, you would need to post a review on one or all of your social media accounts including the company where you received the product or coupon/s from.  The reviews can vary. You would either be required to take a photo or a couple of photos with the product, shoot a short video or you would be required to post on that particular product for several weeks. It will all depend on the company. I have tried out a few sites and still trying out more. I will post my finding here. 

Here are some of the companies that you can read about and sign up  if you choose to. Click on the title to take you to the page to read up on the company or to sign up.

  1. Daily Goodie Box

  2. Influencer


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